
产品展厅>>产品销售>>辰工油藏数值模拟系列软件>>自适应精细历史拟合一体化平台 V1.0






















































图1 全区日产油、综合含水拟合曲线 图2 分层(段)注水观测系统 图3  分层(段)拟合曲线图 图4 注水井分层(段)误差 图5 专家经验模板 图6 剩余油平面分布状况

Products>>Products on Sale>>Chengong Oil Reservoir Numerical Simulation Software Series>>Self-Adaptive Fine Historical Simulation Integrated  Platform V1.0

The software is based on the ECLIPSE-based of fine water flooding historical simulated production technology to adjust the assisted potential exploitation decision making  platform, the stratification (segment) simulation technology is studied, the historical simulation precision is increased, the automatic after-processing function is realized, the research results of the multi-disciplinary oil reservoir are automatically extract and the analysis and treatment are processed, the format of data/graph and so on required for dynamic analysis working are converted ,the type of the residual oil, and potential exploitation allowed residual oil enrichment part and scale are identified accurately; and forming and adjusting the data flow of the potential exploitation scheme through the human-machine interaction mode and carrying out the scheme optimization, So that the process of changing the working mode of the multi-disciplinary oil reservoir research is smoothly promoted.

The software solve the problem which troubles ECLIPSE software for a long time that stratification (segment) water injection simulation is hard to realize, realizing the historical simulation of high efficiency and fast stratification (segment), establishing a historical simulation platform based on expert experience, realizing the integration and high efficiency of the historical simulation from the error analysis to the adjustment and the calculation, It can improve the precision and efficiency of the water flooding history simulation. In addition, a quick, convenient and easy-to-use post-processing function is established, the integrations of the utilization status analysis, residual oil analysis and the potential exploitation measures are realized on platform, the application threshold is reduced, it is a strong guarantee for realizing the goal of precise description, and has wide popularization and application value.

The software takes the stratification test data and the water absorption profile data as the constraints, forms the stratification (section) water injection observation system, carries on the stratification (section) historical simulation to the water injection well, and improves the simulation accuracy of the connected production well. According to the error theory, the software calculates the error of the simulation index of the whole area, well pattern, single well and sedimentary unit, establishes the parameter adjustment template combined with expert experience, studies the stratification (segment) historical simulation technology based on ECLIPSE software by numerical analysis method, and distinguishes the remaining oil type by combining quantitative description with computer graphic recognition technology. Based on the remaining oil types and quantitative results, the single well which needs adjustment potential exploitation and its corresponding adjustment potential exploitation measures are selected to form the numerical simulation data flow, automatically send the work and extract the prediction results of the scheme, and optimize the scheme. The main functional modules are as follows:

Simulation results classification and  storage module

Read the ECLIPSE numerical model file  and results, including the types of files of PRT, INC.

Classification and storage according to the static information, the reservoir parameter information, the dynamic information, the simulation information and the process information.

Historical simulation error analysis  module

Calculating the simulation index error of the whole region, the different well network, the single well and the deposition unit according to the error theory.

Carrying out error analysis on the  simulation result, finding the single well and the deposition unit with larger simulation error.

Graphic display of the error analysis  results, including the contrast curve, the cyclone, the pie chart, etc.

According to the parameter simulation, adjust the requirement, the classification, sequencing and calculation of the index error result are carried out.

Stratified historical simulation module

The water injection quantity of single  well is split.

The single well water injection quantity is split and the result is loaded.

Adjusting the simulation parameter based on the single-layer simulation index error.

The stratified simulation trial  calculation scheme is generated.

Calling ECLIPSE simulator for trial  calculation.

Calling the simulation result  classification storage module to read the simulation result.

Calling the historical simulation error analysis module to carry out error analysis on the simulation result.

Historical simulation auxiliary tool  module

Curve display of the whole area, well  network, single well and stratified simulation results.

Establish expert experience template.

Adjust the parameter selection mode and the edit panel.

Development of the property field data  calculator.

Profile comparison of the single-layer single-well simulation value and multi-layers spilt value of multiple schemes, and the adjustment parameters and the correction values of the corresponding scheme are  cooperatively displayed so as to simulate the error analysis.

Work dispatching management module

The multi-work based on the permission number of the simulator and the computer hardware configuration is simultaneously transmitted.

Real-time feedback and monitoring of the index simulation error in the working process.

Management of working process.

After-processing module

Display the model in a two-dimensional  and isogram diagram.

The graph is screened according to the user-defined condition and can be output.

Statistics of geological parameters, such as drilling rate, permeability differential, etc.

Realizing the integration of the data and graph, clicking the graph to obtain the relevant data.

Development index calculation, such as injection/production ratio, water flooding control degree, etc.

Utilization status analysis module

Analyze the utilization status of designated areas of the whole area, well group and users.

Single-well single-layer utilization condition analysis.

The utilization condition analysis of the oil layer group, the sandstone group and the deposition unit is realized.

Performing the utilization status analysis according to the sedimentary microfacies, the permeability grade and the effective  thickness classification.

Residual oil analysis module of allowed  potential exploitation.

Determination of the limit of the potential exploitation allowed residual oil.

Determination of the rich part of the  potential exploitation allowed residual oil.

Quantification of the rich part of the single well potential exploitation allowed residual oil.

Identify the type of potential exploitation allowed residual oil.

Forming a potential exploitation allowed residual oil database.

The editing and index of the potential exploitation allowed remaining oil.

Adjust the assisted potential exploitation decision-making module

To manage the adjustment of assisted  potential exploitation decision-making scheme.

Pre-selecting single well measures  according to the screening conditions of the measures to form a prediction scheme data  stream.

Calling a job scheduling management module to issue a job.

The optimization result of the scheme is automatically extracted, and the information such as the curve and the table are displayed. 

Comparison of the prediction curves of  the multi-scheme.

Figure1: Daily   oil production comprehensive water cut fitting curve in the whole region Figure2: Stratified (segmented) water injection observation  system Figure3: Stratified (segmented) simulation curve chart Figure4: Stratified (segmented) error of water injection  wel Figure5: Expert experience template Figure6: Plane distribution condition of the residual oil