
辰工油藏数值模拟辅助历史拟合软件是基于ECLIPSE油藏数值模拟器的油藏辅助历史拟合软件,能通过调整油藏参数实现对油藏历史数据的历史拟合。软件实现了高效分层拟合,弥补了ECLIPSE软件的不足之处,使得油气藏历史拟合更精准、更高效 …… >>  详情
辰工数值试井软件包括水驱、聚合物驱、化学驱及致密油气、页岩气等模块,数值试井针对复杂边界、各向异性油藏及多相流体等不存在解析解的压力资料解提供分析工具。数值试井不仅实现了对地层参数解释,还可以提供地层渗透率、孔隙度等静态参数分布,不同时间下地层压力及饱和度等场数据分布,是地层精细描述的重要工具 …… >> 详情
经过对数值试井软件的完善和改进,辰工数值试井软件已发展为介于传统意义的试井软件和油藏数值模拟软件之间的软件—区块精细模拟软件。该软件能准确模拟1-5年时间内几十口井的井底流压、压力分布及饱和度分布,可大大提高油藏动态预测的精度,并且可以进行压裂优化方案设计,同时形成多个水平井压裂方案,对多个方案进行计算比较 …… >&gt 详情
软件基于ECLIPSE的水驱精细历史拟合暨措施调整挖潜辅助决策平台,研究分层(段)拟合技术,提高历史拟合精度;实现自动化后处理功能,自动提取多学科油藏研究成果并进行分析和处理,转换成动态分析工作需要的数据、图形等格式;准确识别剩余油类型、可挖潜剩余油富集部位和规模;通过人机交互方式形成调整挖潜方案数据流并进行方案优选,从而顺利地推进转变多学科油藏研究工作模式的进程 …… >>  详情
Chengong oil reservoir numerical simulation auxiliary history fitting software is based on ECLIPSE reservoir numerical simulator, which can realize historical fitting of reservoir historical data by adjusting oil reservoir parameters. the software realizes efficient stratified fitting... >>  Details
The Chengong numerical well testing software includes water, polymer and chemical driving, dense oil and gas, shale gas and other modules. The numerical well testing provides an analytical tool for the complex boundary, the anisotropic reservoir and the multi-phase fluid and other pressure data without analytical solution... >> Details
Through the perfection and improvement of the numerical well test software, Chengong numerical well testing software has been developed into block fine simulation software, which is between the traditional well testing software and reservoir numerical simulation software. The software can accurately simulate the bottom-hole flowing pressure... >> Details
The software is based on the ECLIPSE-based of fine water flooding historical simulated production technology to adjust the assisted potential exploitation decision making platform, the stratification (segment) simulation technology is studied, the historical simulation precision is increased... >> Details